National Student Wellbeing Program

Thank you to all the teachers, parents and children that have made all that has happened this term possible, as well as all who were involved with all that was planned this term too!
The Students at Yanco Public school:
- Have shown compassion and consideration to the children around them
- Have continued to participate in a soccer program that is provided for the school
- Have shown enthusiasm in their learning and schoolwork assigned for them.
As we come to the final stages of this term, it has been incredible to see different things that the school is involved in, including the artwork that the children have been working on with the staff members; to then see these children share their artworks, as something that they are really proud of, with their parents and teachers, talking about the colors, techniques and characteristics that they used along with backstories of these artworks!!
Upcoming Week:
- Continue to increase your creative abilities, by positively challenging yourself with different drawings, paintings or coloring sheets. Different ideas can be sourced from picture books, kid shows, novels and activities in the natural outdoors etc, that you can then share these ideas with the friends around you and in the classroom to.