From the Principal
Paula Burns
From the Principal
Paula Burns
As Term 3 draws to a close, it is the perfect opportunity to pause and reflect on the past few months, which have been busy but also very rewarding. We were delighted to welcome 14 new students this term; and each of them, along with their families, have enriched the vibrant community of St. Brigid’s School.
This term has been filled with lots of learning and wellbeing opportunities as well as rich memorable experiences including excursions, incursions, and sporting carnivals. We have also rejoiced in engaging with our families, parish and local community through special events such as Book Week, Library Open Evening, Fathers Day liturgy and afternoon tea and of course sports day. We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to an exciting Term 4.
SunSmart - Sunscreen and Hats
Our SunSmart policy (please see website for copy) has recently been updated and reviewed. We have received approval from the Cancer Council that we continue to be a ‘Sunsmart School’ As such I would like to remind everyone that in Term 4 and Term 1, sunscreen should be applied before the children come to school, and we will also have sunscreen available in each class for reapplication before recess, lunch play and any outdoor activities.
We also expect hats to be worn for recess, lunch and any outdoor activity. Please ensure your child has a SCHOOL hat which has their name clearly labeled. Hats are available at the front office for $20 if your child has lost theirs.
I wish all of our students and all of our families a wonderful school break and I look forward to welcoming everyone back rested, relaxed and energised for an exciting Term 4.
Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,
Paula Burns