From the Principal
Mr Jon Franzin
From the Principal
Mr Jon Franzin
Dear Parents, Students, and Friends of St Virgil’s College,
The end of Year 12 is fast approaching and a time when both School and students can reflect on how much our teaching and learning as well as wider school experiences have been liberating and contributed to student growth. This is particularly relevant for Year 12 students, as they are looking back not just over 2024, but back to when they commenced at St Virgil’s and beyond. Has their potential been liberated through the education they have received? Will that potential now be taken out into the wider community, including for the benefit of those in need? In a few weeks, we mark the end of Year 12 with a Graduation Mass and the Valedictory Dinner – important rites of passage for the end of formal schooling. Beyond that, there is much to be done, of course, with final assessments and examinations to be completed. I strongly encourage a focused attitude so students can both finish off their education successfully and get the most out of this important transition in their lives.
A very big thank you to all who supported the Choomalaka Festival and Feast last Friday evening. Our students shone on stage, in showcasing their work and in serving on the night. Thank you to Mr Montgomery Wilson, Mrs Gabby Ball, Mrs Jill Norton, Mr Brent Scanlon, Mrs Jan Stary, Mrs Belinda Straatsma and Mrs Natalie Reid for their efforts in preparing our students before and on the night and the many other staff who contributed behind the scenes. I think you would all agree that our students from Kindergarten through to Year 12 performed very well and this reflected the long hours of dedicated practice they have undertaken with the support of many staff to ensure the night was a success. I also acknowledge the Parents & Friends Associations both Junior and Senior for contributing prior to and on the night.
Congratulations to Chandler Bradley, College Captain 2025 and Lachlan Gillie, College Vice Captain and Alexander Davies, Student Voice for being appointed to these positions. Chandler, Lachie and Alex were handed the leadership at the Transfer of Leadership Assembly yesterday by the 2024 College Captain Thomas Marr and Vice-Captain Charles Lennon and Student Voice James Pinelli who we thanked for their dedicated service. Thomas spoke exceptionally well to the assembled boys and staff, reflecting how much he lives out the values of a Catholic Edmund Rice school and has come to understand those values and apply them in his life and thinking in such a mature way. The members of the College Student Leadership were also announced. We congratulate all of the students on their appointments, and I look forward to working with them in 2025.
College Captain Chandler Bradley
College Vice Captain Lachlan Gillie
Student Voice Alexander Davies
Dwyer House Prefect Saxon Van Anholt
Joyce House Prefect Oliver Morgan
Hessian House Prefect Jace Farrer-Bailey
Doyle House Prefect Daniel Mulcahy
Dwyer Vice House Prefect Riley Stocks
Joyce Vice House Prefect Joshua Topham
Hessian Vice House Prefect Alex Lamprey
Doyle Vice House Prefect Xavier Wright
The Tasmanian Government has established an Independent Review of Tasmania’s Education System. The Review is being undertaken to provide advice to the Tasmanian Government on how to improve our education system over the next ten years.
The Review wants to hear from every Tasmanian, including children and young people of all ages, families, those working in the education sector and members of the community.
There are multiple ways you can get involved.
Submissions responding to the Consultation Paper must be lodged by Sunday 13 October 2024, and all other consultation opportunities will close on Sunday 27 October. Visit this website for further information.
I would encourage all parents and carers to contribute to this important education review to support improved outcomes for all students across the state including those attending St Virgil’s College.
As this is the last edition of the Star for this term, I wish all families a relaxing break and safe travels to those travelling during the holiday period.
I look forward to welcoming students back to school on Monday 14 of October.
Best wishes
Jon Franzin