Sports News

Wow! What a term! We have had teams go through and win local and regional competitions, and then enter into state finals too! Viewbank continues to shine in a range of sports, and a big shout out to our senior girls netball who made it to the state finals, while we have also had a few students win their events at athletics and are now off to the state competition at Albert Park in October.
From a number perspective, we had 15 teams compete at NMR level or higher, and 9 teams compete in the local division competitions. This was in addition to 14 students at NMR athletics (4 through to state). What an absolutely wonderful term, and we want to send a big thank you to our coaches and helpers for getting teams up to enter. Well done!
Mr. Gazzola and Mr. Purcell
Senior Girls State Finals.
On Monday 9th September our senior girls netball headed off to Waverley Netball Centre to compete in the state finals.
The girls had a good day despite loosing their games. It was an awesome achievement to make it to this level. Well done to all involved.
Year 7 Boys Basketball.
On Friday 12th September year 7 boys played basketball at Coburg Basketball Stadium. They played 3 games and won them all!
The boys were undefeated for the day. Highlight of the day was that all boys were able to score in both halves vs Bundoora! Awesome work to all involved and we cant wait to see you go through to next round and what you can achieve.
Gold Medal In Chess
Our very own Nishi achieved a gold medal in her most recent Chess Tournament and is off to the State Champs in October. Nishi attended a tournament at Bacchus Marsh grammar school, where she won the Gold medal in Girls division. Congratulation and we cant wait to hear how you go at the state champs!!
Year 7 Girls Futsal
Year 7 Girls Futsal drew with both teams and then had an extra game against Charles La Trobe but lost 3-1
2-2 Charles La Trobe
2-2 Macleod College
They were resilient and supportive of one another, all the way!
Student coaches Jesinta and Natalie did a fantastic job, too!
Year 7 Boys Futsal
Year 7 Boys Futsal won the initial two matches and was able to participate in final against Greensborough but lost 5-11.
14-3 Greensborough
11-2 Charles La Trobe
5-11 Greensborough
They were resilient and shown great teamwork.
Student coaches Ronan and Bulan did an amazing job coaching the team.