From the Principal Class

As we end the term, I want to give a shout out to our teachers.
When you read through the events in just the last week and moving into these holidays, it is clear just how committed our teachers are to ensuring our students get the best opportunities and experiences to help shape them.
Schools are relentlessly busy places, and we have so many staff who go above and beyond to support our students.
On that note, I also want to thank the principal class, who often do not get the recognition - my Assistant Principals attend over 40 evening events each across the year to ensure that these run smoothly and to engage with our community.
Everything from College Council meetings, production, music evenings, information evenings, Language tour barbecues, language theatre, Art and Tech shows, Subject expos, parent group meetings…and much more.
Their support and commitment often go unrecognised.
In that past week, we have had the Year 9 students attend the Holocaust Museum for some important learnings, leading into their cross-curricular inquiry in English and Humanities.
Our Japanese study tour continues, with students currently in homestays and attending our sister School in Tokyo. Yesterday they enjoyed the day at Tokyo Disneyland.
Our Jazz Night at the Brunswick Ballroom was a huge success!
Thanks to Tom Krieg and the music crew for their organisation and work preparing students for the evening.
I had lots of positive feedback from families who attended on the night.
Also in performance mode, our Year 12 Theatre students presented their monologues to family and friends in preparation for their performance exams.
Our Year 10 students have attended a range of tertiary institutions on the Uni Discovery Day. This is an important taster for students and really gets them thinking about their future pathways.
I would also like to congratulate the efforts of our senior students – particularly our Year 12s – as they progress to their final weeks of classes and examinations in Term 4.
Year 12 can sometimes feel like a marathon and a sprint at the same time and I know that everyone is feeling the pressure.
Over the term break students will engage with trial exams and some revision lectures in key subjects. I encourage all families of Year 12 students to ensure that you are having conversations at home about really stepping up to this important period. As well as planning the next 6 weeks, it is also important to ensure that there is a clear routine for revision, and time to rest and recharge. We often talk about the importance of quality sleep- now is the time to limit device use before bed and ensure a healthy diet.
Australian Maths Competition
We had approximately 75 students take part in the Australian Maths Competition this week. A big congratulations to the students who took part in this challenge, and our students performed incredibly well.
Please read the report later in the newsletter for our results.
HPE week
HPE week was another success, with a packed program over the week.
The College has been working to raise the profile of sport and PE.
We have had another hugely successful year with record numbers of students participating with many teams making regional level and State level.
Thanks to the team in Health and PE and Sport.
Whist we continue to wait for State Government funding to improve our gym facilities, we are progressing with fundraising through our ASPA parent group and working towards new covered outdoor courts.
Our indoor gym facility will be open for student use at breaks next term (fully supervised). Please look out for information about this.
On behalf of everyone at the College, we wish all students, parents and carers a safe and happy holiday.
Sharon Grimes, Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Anna Crosswhite, Assistant Principal
Penelope Cleghorn, Assistant Principal