Welcome back to the last term of the year,
Term 4!
Joshua 1:9- have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
This week we bid farewell to the Year 12s as they transition to a life away from Endeavour. The world out there is open to opportunities. While they shall be missed at Endeavour, it is a life stage that is inevitable.
From the above bible passage, I have a few words for our Year 12s.
Trust in God’s plan:
God’s plan is in the plan that you already working towards or the plan that you intend to make. The above passage says, be strong and courageous, for this is what trust is all about.
Maintain faith:
Have faith in God, believe in yourselves and your abilities and make use of those abilities. As the above passage says, do not be discouraged. Try as much as you can to be optimistic and positive in all you do.
Embrace hope:
Hope is one of the values of Endeavor College. It is our hope that over time you have grown to nurture hope as part of your life value as it is one of the values that you will need to propel you.
Seek counsel and assistance:
There is another bible story from the book of Samuel (1 Sam 3:1-20). Samuel lived with Eli in the temple. One night, when they were asleep, God called Samuel several times. Samuel was 12 years old when he heard the voice that night. Every time he thought it was Eli calling him.
Eli wondered whether it was not God calling Samuel as the word of God says, Samuel did not yet know the Lord God. On the third time when Samuel hears the voice, Eli directs him on how to respond and becomes a great guide to Samuel’s first meeting and conversation with God. But wait, this only happened, because Samuel was not afraid to go up to Eli and ask whether he was the one calling. What if he just heard the voice and ignored it? We all need people like Eli in our lives who will direct and show us the way when we feel lost and unsure. We must be courageous and ask questions, prompting conversation about our fears and the difficulties we may be facing.
Fortunately, we have the Endeavour Way and the support network to guide and mentor you. Hopefully these values continue to guide you through your young adult life.
Do not be afraid to continuously seek advice and guidance whenever stuck and can't seem to make heads or tail of anything.
For there will be an Eli, someone to help us understand the voice of God, directing us through life.
Simion Mutai
College Chaplain