
Upcoming dates:
Date | Event |
September | |
Friday 20th | End of Term 3 (Students finish at 1pm) |
October | |
Monday 7th | Term 4 Begins |
Friday 25th | Grandparent’s Day Celebration |
Saturday 26th | Bunnings BBQ |
Tuesday 29th | Visual Arts Show 6.00pm - 8.00pm |
November | |
Monday 4th | PL Day (No school for students) |
Tuesday 5th | Melbourne Cup Day Holiday - No School |
Friday 8th | Mission Fete (Change of Date) |
BPC Meeting 9.00am | |
Tuesday 12th | Mini Bernie's Orientation |
Tuesday 19th | Mini Bernie's Orientation |
Tuesday 26th | Mini Bernie's Orientation and Parent Information Session |
Friday 29th | Tabloid Sports |
December | |
Friday 6th | Reports sent home |
Tuesday 10th | Report Feedback 3.30 - 6.30pm |
Thursday 12th | Year 6 Graduation |
Monday 16th | Carols night |
Tuesday 17th | End of Year Mass |
Students finish at 1.00pm |