From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

In this last week of term, we look back at the wonderful learning and extra curricular activities that have taken place. All have enriched our learning and community. We’ve had camp programs for Year 5/6s incursions such as the Science Show, a Magic Show and excursions to Scienceworks. Our Walkathon was such a success that we raised enough money to install a new basketball ring, District Athletics finals, celebrated Foundation 100 days, St Bernard’s Day and Father’s and special people, enjoyed a number of activities for Book Week and participated in a very special Smoking and Welcome to Country ceremony. It’s no wonder everyone feels a little tired and is ready for the holiday break. 


Thank you to our staff, students and parents who have contributed to a very busy but wonderful term. I hope everyone enjoys a restful & enjoyable break.


Footy Colours 

This Friday 20th September is our last day of term. As it's Grand Final time & our last day of term, students can wear the colours for their favourite team from any code. They might like to wear the colours, jumpers and kit or just scarf of their favourite team.

Just a reminder that our last day of term is also a 1.00pm finish.


End & Start of Term Dates

Term 3 finishes this Friday 20th September at 1:00pm and Term 4 begins on Monday 7th October. OSHC is available, bookings are essential.


Staff leave

In Term 4, Ms Bec will be on leave for the first 4 weeks. Ms Nicole will work full time and Ms Jodie Wishart will join us on Wednesdays - Fridays. We welcome Jodie to our school. 


Save the Date - Grandparents Morning

Our annual Grandparents morning will be held on Friday 25th October. Grandparents and Special People are all welcome. Invitations will be sent home early next term alongside requests for assistance with catering.


One Night Only! - Save the Date

On Tuesday 29th October from 6:00pm- 8:00pm we will hold the premier of our ‘stop motion clips’ together with a display of the amazing art work of our students. We will share more information but make sure you save the date and time, all families are welcome!

Mission Fete - Change of Date

Please note the Mission Fete will now be held on Friday 8th November.


Accounts - Fees & Levies

Final instalments for school fees and levies are now overdue. Accounts were sent home and we ask that you settle these as soon as possible. If you are experiencing financial difficulties please make an appointment to meet with me. 



Thank you to those families who were randomly selected to participate in the MACSSIS Survey process and have already completed the survey. If you were one of those selected, please complete the survey by this Friday 20th September to provide valuable information to us.


2025 Commencement Dates

Tuesday 28 January : Staff return

Wednesday 29 January : Foundation Students commence 9:00am – 1:00pm (first day of school) and Years 1 - 6 Getting to Know You Interviews

Thursday 30 January : Years 1 - 6 Students commence


2025 Term Dates

Term 1 : Tuesday 28 January – Friday 4 April 

Term 2 : Tuesday 22 April – Friday 4 July

Term 3 : Monday 21 July – Friday 19 September

Term 4 : Monday 6 October – Friday 19 December


Easter Weekend : Good Friday 18 April - Easter Monday 21 April.

'Something to Think About '

To complete our series on Cyber safety, we look at Susan McLean’s ‘Top Tips’  to keep your children safe online.