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Year 6 Graduation
Our Year 6 students had their Graduation on Monday. The students were presented with a certificate at a whole school assembly. A slideshow was shown to the Graduates and their guests and then the opportunity to have family photos before they headed up to the Swimming Pool for more speeches, photos, and an incredible graduation cake. Congratulations Year 6's, and good luck with your future education!
Three of our Year 9 students took the opportunity to attend the three-day Try-A-Trade in Merredin at the end of November. The program is offered by Central Regional TAFE to the Year 9 students so that they have the opportunity to have a 'hands-on' experience in bricklaying, carpentry and welding trades. From all accounts the students had a great time and learned a lot! They built a wooden bench that will be delivered to the school in the new year.
PBS Christmas Dress Up Day
It was a very cheery and colourful day at school, as the students celebrated their last PBS Reward for the term with a Christmas dress up day. They were treated to a movie and icy pole, and the students had a great ending to their week 9!