Wellbeing & Culture

Season to be Thankful 

Today, Thursday, November 23rd is Thanksgiving in the United States. Although in Australia it may not make sense for us to celebrate this holiday in the same way, I thought I would take this opportunity to mention the importance of gratitude and thankfulness. A grateful state of mind is largely linked to good mental health and positive moods. 

Last year I had the privilege of attending an advanced screening of a new positive well-being documentary ‘How to Thrive: A Practical Guide to Happiness’. In this very well-made film, it was scientifically proven that gratitude is key to happiness and good mental health. The film explained the concept of gratefulness being the key very well, but as this is a universal truth, there are thousands of references in self-help books, scholarly articles, morally rooted stories, and wise lectures to this phenomenal fact. 

Happy Thanksgiving CHPS! I am thankful I get to be part of this community! 

For more information on the positive well-being documentary, you can go here: https://www.howtothrivefilm.com/

Cheyenne Mason – On behalf of the Wellbeing and Culture Team