Senior School News

Final Weeks at Sacred Heart: A Time of Celebration and Achievement!

As we approach the end of the term, excitement is in the air, especially for our Grade 6 students who are just 8 days away from completing their journey at Sacred Heart. It's a time for reflection and celebration across the grades!

Grade 6: A Fond Farewell

  • Memory Books: Our Grade 6 students have been diligently finalising their memory books, filled with their best work from the term. It's been a joy to reminisce with them about their years at Sacred Heart.

Yearbook & Graduation: The yearbook is heading to the printers, and students are enthusiastically preparing for their graduation ceremony. Look out for a special dance collaboration they'll present on the big night!

 Grade 5: Leaders in the Making

  • Nativity Art Display: Our Grade 5 students have created an impressive nativity art display at the school entrance, showcasing their learning about the birth of Jesus in Religious Education.
  • Leadership Videos: The Grade 5s have completed their leadership videos for the school captain roles next year. Their effort in crafting speeches and videos is commendable.
  • New Leadership Structure: Next year, we're introducing a new structure with 4 school captains and leadership teams for all Year 6 students, focusing on areas like Sports, Arts, Environmental, IT, and more.

Tabloid Sports Session: Our proactive Grade 5s are also organising a Tabloid sports session for the entire school on December 11th, showcasing their emerging leadership skills.



Classroom Highlights

  • Mathematics: Grade 6 explored probability through hands-on experiments, linking it to fractions and mathematical vocabulary. Grade 5 mastered multiplication, division, and delved into angles.
  • English: Despite a busy schedule, our students have shown great adaptability in continuing their spelling mastery and writing programs.



Extra Activities

  • Swimming: Our students displayed maturity and growth in the recent swimming program, earning high praise from the Danny Frawley Centre!
  • Sex Education: The completion of the Sex Ed program was marked by our students' mature and informed engagement.
  • Basketball  and Dodgeball Tournament: Both Grade 5 and 6 students participated in a basketball and dodgeball tournament, demonstrating exceptional sportsmanship and teamwork, all for a charitable cause.


We're proud of all our students' accomplishments and can't wait to see what the next year brings. Let's finish this term with the same enthusiasm and dedication we've seen throughout!


Until next time,

Jayne Mckay

Senior Leader