Religious Education

It is the time of the year where the overarching focus within Junior Religious Education classrooms turns to Advent and our preparations for Christmas.
In that spirit students are being asked to consider ways that they can support our community and some students are making cards and gift tags for 'Vinnies'. Others are writing letters to the residents of the Loretto Home of Compassion, or cooking brownies, muffins and biscuits for the Carevan and Micah Hub.
The needs of the local community continue to grow. According to Micah Hub, a local Catholic organisation supporting the community of Wagga that there has been a 20% rise in new walk in’s over the last eighteen months. Supporting the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal by donating goods for their Christmas Hampers is now more important than ever.
Year 8 Religious Education students have been learning about how to service their community with love, joy, and Christian values. Based on the passage of the parable of the Good Samaritan, students have learnt ways of being a good person and helping those in need.
Forming part of this focus, students undertook a community project proposing ideas on how to reduce Homelessness in our local area. This proposal gave students the opportunity to act as developer. They were each "given" $150,000 MDCC dollars to submit a proposal to the local government to help reduce the number of homelessness people in our area.
Students identified the main causes of homelessness in the community and selected a specific sub group to focus on. This included youth homelessness, aged homelessness or female homelessness as a result of domestic violence. It is hoped that students take the time to reflect and make a conscious effort to be a good samaritan.
Mrs Jackie Walker | Acting Religious Education KLA Leader