Year 12 Graduation

Year 12 Graduation
On the evening of Friday, 10 November the College formally farewelled Year 12 at the 2023 Graduation. The Range Function Centre was elegant dining and dancing space for this special occasion and the night began with the presentation of the graduates. The Major Awards were then presented by the Invited Guests.
Congratulations to the following recipients:
Leadership Awards:
Carroll House Captains - Ruby Doherty and Flynn Collins
Kennedy House Captains - Aspenne McMahon and Ivan Sokolov
Rosarie House Captains - Elora Guirguis and Mark George
Sherrin House Captains - Charlotte Priest and Henry Cluff-Freemantle
Webber House Captains - Evie McIntyre and McKinley Hamblin
Mount Erin Boarding School Captains - Catherine Oakes and Zara English
2023 College Captains - Ellie Clarke and Joshua Shaw
Reuben F Scarf Award: Ivan Sokolov
ADFA Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award: Joshua Shaw
ADFA Long Tan Future Innovators Award: McKinley Hamblin
Bishop of Wagga Wagga Award: Ellie Clarke
Nano Nagle and Edmund Rice Charism Award: Elora Guirguis and Samuel Culley
The formal segment of the College was an opportunity for the 2023 College Captains Josh Shaw and Ellie Clarke to bid a final farewell on behalf of the cohort and a vote of thanks on behalf of the parents was given by Priscilla George.
The Principal’s Address was given by Mrs Thomas. She thanked the staff and parents, acknowledging the gratitude to the College expressed by Priscilla George on behalf of the Year 12 parents. As well, Mrs Thomas thanked all those who were responsible for organising the Graduation, before offering some final words of advice and formally farewelling the class of 2023.