Upcoming dates for your diary for the remainder of Term 1, 2024. 

Please take note of the student free day early in the term as the staff will be learning about a Wellbeing approach to learning for the year and we kick off early in term 1.

                      Term 1 
Thursday 25 JanAdministration office opens- reduced hours
Monday 29 JanTeachers return- Curriculum day (student free)
Tuesday 30 JanAll students return. Prep finish @12:30pm
Wednesday 31 JanNo Preps @ school Wednesdays until 6 March- testing
Friday 9 FebCurriculum day- Berry St Training (student free)
Wednesday 14 FebFamily community evening- details to come
Friday 23 FebWhole School Assembly
Friday 8 MarchWhole School Assembly
Monday 11 MarchLabour Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 12 MarchSchool Photo Day
Wednesday 13-Friday 22 March NAPLAN testing (Year 3 & 5)
Tuesday 19 MarchSchool Council- AGM
Thursday 28 MarchTerm 1 Ends- 2:30pm
Friday 29 MarchGood Friday Public Holiday