Scotsburn News 

Important Dates

Student free dayWednesday 22nd November
Energy BreakthroughThursday 23rd November - Friday 24th November
Grandparents and Special Friends Day Friday 1st December (9am - 11am)
Scotsburn Sleepover Thursday 7th - Friday 8th December
Parent Teacher Interviews

Monday 11th December (4pm - 6pm)

Wednesday 13th December (1pm finish for students)

Scotsburn Fun Day and CFA WaterfightMonday 11th December
Public Schools Orientation DayTuesday 12th December
Scotsburn Shared LunchThursday 14th December
Scotsburn Pool DayFriday 15th December
Scotsburn Christmas ConcertMonday 18th December
Grade 6 Graduation EveningTuesday 19th December
Last Day of Term 4Wednesday 20th December (1:30pm finish)

Student Free Day Tomorrow

A reminder that tomorrow is a student free day. Teachers will be spending the day completing various professional practice activities and tasks. Have a great day everyone and we will see you on Thursday!

Bunjil Award Winners

Congratulations to last week’s Bunjil Award winners who all have done a marvellous job displaying our school values of Kindness, Respect and Responsibility.






Will S




Scotsburn Sleepover - 7th - 8th December

Our whole campus sleepover is now just over two weeks away! How exciting! This overnight event will foster team building, outdoor engagement, as well as create lasting memories for all children. Students will go home after school to gather their belongings and prepare for the sleepover. Students are then invited to return to school at 6pm. Tea will be provided on the night along with breakfast, snacks, and lunch the following day. All activities will take place within the Scotsburn Campus. As an additional fun activity and experience on the night, we are going to hold a movie night, with a big screen out on the oval (this will be weather dependent). We will invite all families that wish to attend to watch the movie with us on the night. 


The event is now on Compass. Please make sure to provide consent and payment to book your child’s spot.


Later this week, your child will bring home a note with some more specific details and requirements for the night.

No Scotsburn Assembly This Week

Due to some staff absences and busy schedule this Friday, we will postpone our scheduled Scotsburn assembly this week. As we are getting closer to the end of the year, our next one will include some big celebrations.

Scotsburn Swimming Program

Last week Scotsburn participated in their swimming lessons at Federation University. Each day consisted of a 45 minute lesson, with Friday including some free time on the inflatable. Everyone did an amazing job throughout the lessons, as well as being very well organised and respectful. We loved to see how excited all the students were to get into the water and enjoy participating in the lessons. Well done everyone!

School Magazine

Thanks to those families who have already purchased a school magazine for 2023. These magazines make a great keepsake for families to remember the year that was. 


This year the magazine will have Scotsburn specific pages, as well as whole school events and specialist programs.


To purchase a magazine, please go to QKR to place your order.

Grade 6 Jumpers 2024

A reminder to our Grade 5 parents that our 2024 Grade 6 jackets are now at the Buninyong office ready to try on and order. Families have until December 6 to pay for their child’s jacket.

Grandparents and Special Friends Day - Friday 1st December

This day has traditionally been a highlight on the calendar, and this year looks to be no different. The day will run next Friday 1st December, from 9am - 11am at the Scotsburn campus, with some interactive activities planned for the grandparents and special friends to get involved in. 


We are also asking that parents could please bring a plate for morning tea on the day, which we will hold between 10.45am - 11.30am. 


If you are able to bring a plate, please add your name to the Scotsburn section of the link below:


Keep an eye out this week for a personalised invitation to be sent home!

End of Year Scotsburn Concert and Picnic - KEEP IN THE CALENDAR!

Please keep in your diary the date for our end of year Scotsburn Concert and Picnic - Monday 18th December. As was the case last year, we will be running the concert between 2pm - 4pm. Later this week, you will receive lots more information regarding end of year arrangements, however we wanted to have this one locked in the calendar for everyone!

Scotsburn End of Year Pool Day - event on Compass

Our end of year Scotsburn Pool Fun Day is now on Compass. Please when you get a chance, jump on and complete the payment and consent. It is always a highlight of the end of year celebrations and we can’t wait. 

Later this week, more information will come home regarding all of our end of year arrangements and activities.

SC1 Learning Snapshot

Week 7 was certainly a fun and exciting week with our swimming lessons each day. We know swimming lessons have numerous benefits however to see the confidence and swimming skills build as well as the fun and enjoyment over the week was amazing! 

In Spelling and Reading, we have been focussing on letter sounds that have multiple spellings but one sound. For example, the long /e/ sounds in seed,  dream, and he, as well as the long /a/ sound, as in Kate, stay, nail, and break. Very tricky but everyone is doing a fabulous job and really extending their reading and spelling skills!!! 


In Writing, students have completed their published pieces for their recounts. They are hanging in the room looking fabulous so please pop in and have a read.


In Maths this week we are starting to explore data representation and interpretation which is always fun and engaging. We look forward to sharing with you some of our findings.

Have a great week,

Ana and Kirsty

SC2 Learning Snapshot

It was another flatout week for SC2 in week 7. Combining swimming with further assessments, it was a great test of resilience for our students who did a fantastic job at exemplifying our learning behaviours at Fed Uni. Students got themselves into routine very quickly for how the week was to operate, which made for very smooth transitions each day. 


We have been looking back into inferring in Reading, specifically looking at character traits, both good and bad and what clues may help us to identify these traits. We have been reading George’s Marvellous Medicine as a read aloud to help us work on this skill. 

In Writing, we generated ideas for a realistic fiction story. Students designed a creative mind map with a focus point for their story. The drafting process for this has began this week. 


Students have been looking into many different types of graphs to display the data from their Smartie investigations. It has been terrific to see students be able to represent their data in so many different ways. 


Thanks to all parents for your assistance in ensuring the organisation of students last week for swimming! 

Have a great week, 


SC3 Learning Snapshot

We certainly had another busy and exciting week in SC3. It was amazing to see all students in SC3 give their personal best during the daily swimming lessons whist having lots of fun. I’m sure all students got lots out of the program, and they most certainly developed their skills across the week.


This week in Reading, we are focussing on Analysing the texts that we read, to gain a greater understanding of the authors’ purpose and motivation to create a text. Students really enjoy this topic as it creates lots of discussion and opinions.


In Writing, we are getting very close to finishing our published memoir pieces. Last week, students had the opportunity to read and provide feedback to other students, which was a really valuable exercise for our young authors.


In Maths, we are currently exploring the concept of angles, identifying types and properties, as well as practising using a protractor to measure angles. We have even managed to fit in this week a couple of lessons on tricky long division! They all did so well with this and demonstrated wonderful resilience.


We look forward to spending some time in the next few weeks preparing for end of year events like the Grade 6 Graduation and Scotsburn concert. It certainly is an exciting time of year!


Finally, a massive, good luck to Maggie, Ava and Bethany who are off to Energy Breakthrough this Thursday and Friday - you guys will have a ball!

Have a wonderful week everyone,


Specialist News

SC1 Art - Bird Puppets

Well done to SC1 for completing their beautiful bird puppets last week! We have explored weaving and stitching with this project, using informal weaving processes to create our nests with wool, raffia, paper and feathers. Students enjoyed decorating their birds with feathers, pom poms, felt pieces and buttons before learning a simple whip stitch to attach the backing to their puppets. Well done to all- I hope you enjoy playing with them!

Physical Education

Across Term 4, SC2 and SC3 have been focusing on striking and fielding sports. Students have been learning the skills of striking, catching and throwing, as well as strategies of striking and fielding games. SC2 has been playing modified games of T-Ball and SC3 has begun playing cricket. 


SC1 has been focusing on developing and refining their kicking skills. They have focused on soccer kicking as well as punting. 


All students have been lucky enough to have had lessons from Kelly Sports throughout these units. 

Performing Arts 

In Performing Arts students have been learning about dance. In SC1, has been mirroring the actions of various dances including the chicken dance and the Nutbush. SC2 and SC3 have been creating their own dances in small groups. These dances have been based on a book or a song. Students have also used props and costumes to help develop their dances. All Scotsburn students have now started exploring music and will continue this until the end of the year.

Scotsburn Intercampus Travel

At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day.

We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. 

If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher.

Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Anderson:

Mr Walsh:

Mrs Robinson:

Mrs Morgan:

Ms Middlin:

The Scotsburn Team