Classroom News

Another busy couple of weeks complete in our road to Christmas!
Firstly, a massive well done to our Preps on their prayer gathering last week. They did an amazing job! Thankyou also to the parents who attended and helped the Preps practise their reading parts. Gemma and I very much appreciate it!
In reading we are continuing to revise our sounds that we have learnt throughout the term.
In Maths we are focusing on Money and looking at the many different notes and coins we use in Australia.
In writing we have been thinking about our favourite presents as well as writing lots of Christmas cards to our Prep friends!
Gemma Blake
Adam Garner
This week the Year Ones have been writing colour poems and learning about plurals and suffixes in Literacy. In Maths we have been following directions and using coordinates on a map. Next week will be an exciting week - Learning Conversations on Tuesday, our end of year celebration (Movies and visit to Memorial Square) on Wednesday and our Prayer Gathering on Friday 8th December. We would also like to remind all students to return home reading books and their homework folders as well as any library books as borrowing has finished for the year.
The Year 2 Prayer Gathering will be held on Friday 1st December, all are welcome to celebrate with us. Year 2 End of Year Celebration - During the last week of Term, the Year 2s and their teaching team will head over to the gardens for activities and a picnic lunch. You will not need to sign any permissions or pack any extra snacks for this day. You will send your child to school as normal on this day. We will release a poster with more information on Class Dojo closer to the date.
Kascha Popping
Leah Martin
Miriam Collins
Matt Absalom
Emma Roberts
Kerryn Williams
As the countdown is on to the end of term, we have been extremely busy finishing off our learning topics for the term. We have produced some fabulous work that we look forward to sharing with our family at Learning Conversations next Tuesday 5th, December. Please book your Learning Conversation time on PAM.
In Religion, we continue to explore the season of Advent and learn about the Christmas Story. Unfortunately, due to the weather, the children were unable to attend the planned Nativity Scenes at St Andrew’s Hall.
Today was our final swimming session. As we know, swimming is a very important skill we need and it has been great to watch the children take advantage of furthering their swimming skills. The students are to be congratulated on their behaviour and organisation skills during these sessions.
Our end of year celebration, the Movies and Ten Pin Bowling is on Wednesday 13th, December. Please ensure you have completed the PAM permission for this excursion.
Please feel free to join us for ‘Carols on the Courts,’ on Thursday, 14th December, at 12:30pm. Each year level will be presenting a carol and children can dress in casual clothing with a touch of Christmas. It will also be a Fun Food Day.
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Lauren Ryan
Meg Knight
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
What a fun filled two weeks we have coming up.
We had our last swimming session today. Then Monday, all the 5/6’s are off to Adventure Park for the day and it looks like the weather is going to be very kind to us with a forecast of 26 degrees. Tuesday and Wednesday next week are set aside for Learning Conversations, whilst teachers are taking part in these, students will be doing fun activities with the specialist teachers.
After that we are on the home stretch with Move Up day in the final week on Tuesday as well as graduation for our wonderful Grade 6’s and our end of year Liturgy on the Wednesday. On Thursday the 14th, we look forward to welcoming families in for our ‘Presentation of Learning’ based around our electives we have been running. Families are invited to come in from 11:35am to check out what the kids have been up to and then stay if they wish to enjoy the ‘Carols on the Courts’ for the whole school. Students will finish up normal time on Friday.
Anna Hinkley
Paula Parish
Jade LoRicco
Dan Cannon
Susie Scott
Maegen Potter