Whole School News

Library News


Book Week

“Read  Grow Inspire”

The front foyer of the library is starting to fill up with items that students have been making for our annual Book Week display. Thank you to Mrs Angela Diletti, our wonderful Primary Art teacher for her work with our students. It is such a delight to showcase their work in the library foyer and throughout the library. Senior students have been helping us make paper flowers from old books which are being incorporated into the display. As we complete Book Week and Science activities throughout next week, more student work will be added to the displays.


There is much discussion about our Costume Parade on Thursday 24 August at 9.00am in the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex. It will be lovely celebrating Book Week.



Gabrielle Wang - Australian Children's Laureate 2022-2023

Mrs Tara McCready, our Library Information Technician, has arranged for Gabrielle Wang to visit Great Southern Grammar on Tuesday of Week Seven (29 August) We are all very excited about this visit.   Gabrielle Wang is the Australian Children’s Laureate for 2022-23 and she will be working with students in Years Three to Six. The Laureate is the national ambassador for reading and Australian children’s literature. 


A new laureate is appointed every two years to promote the importance and transformational power of reading, creativity and story in the lives of young Australians. Every Laureate has a theme for their two-year term: for Gabrielle’s it is Imagine A Story. Through this, she will explore four main issues: Imagination, Cultural Diversity, Visual Literacy, and Audiobooks and Reading Aloud.


If students have some of Gabrielle’s many books at home, they can come to the library and lunchtime and have them signed by Gabrielle.



Yours in all things Library

Ms Elinor Couper | Head of Library Services