Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill

Happy Week 6 to all of the parents, carers, siblings and families of JSA students, as well as the wider community. We hope the last few weeks have been kind to you.



Our Student Support Meetings have officially ended for the term however that is not to say you can’t coordinate follow up meetings with your child’s teacher. We want to ensure that we are working in partnership with you to support your child in achieving success. In the event you weren’t able to attend an SSG please reach out and we can certainly schedule this in, even if it is a brief phone conversation or video call, we love to hear from families so that we can tailor what we do at school to support the goals students are working towards at home.

As always, continue to utilise your child’s communication book to regularly check in with how your child is presenting at school and to communicate any additional information that we may need to be aware of.


Canine Comprehension

We have been lucky enough to have Norma, a four legged friend, join us every Thursday to spend some time talking about emotions alongside some of our students. Norma has been helping students in developing their familiarity with dogs; how they show their emotions and what to look out for when approaching an unknown dog. Dogs and humans are in fact very similar!



Our classrooms take turns in being responsible for overseeing the fortnightly assembly. This is uploaded to Seesaw for you to view. You may like to ‘heart’ or leave a comment on this- I know students would love to hear your positive feedback regarding how wonderfully they have done!


Da Vinci Music Incursion 

Students will have the opportunity to participate in Da Vinci’s Music Incursion on 30th August. I have no doubt this day will be filled with lots of engagement, music, movement and of course fun.


2024 Preparations

As we head towards the end of 2023, preparations for 2024 are in the works. Please keep an eye out for documentation coming home asking you to detail any information we may need to know when considering 2024 placements. These will be important to gain an insight into how we can prepare for a successful year ahead for your child.


We hope you have a wonderful few weeks ahead!



















Room 11


This term we have had lots of fun learning and growing together in Room 11. We have learned about letter sounds and personal narratives, adding and graphing. We are learning about the solar system and seasons, too! We are working a lot on life skills with Tiffany the OT and social skills with Sam the Speechie. 


Dear Jacana School, we would like to acknowledge all the learning we have been through. This year has gone quick. We've made friends in Room 11. - Bilal


Thank you for doing work students. Visiting Norma is good. - Deegan


Term three is going well. I like using classroom screen every morning because you can put up polls and images. And also videos, timers, and classroom visuals.- Miraz


This picture is very funny with red noses. - Ajit


I like playing with Bilal. - Hazim