Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1
- Callan and Aaron- for enjoying and engaging in the Yummy Bites program!
Room 2
- Albert for Engaging with the classroom and following classroom expectations
- Riyansha for following bus expectations and keeping her hands to herself.
Room 3
- Vaiga has demonstrated she can sort and match coins.
- Celine has demonstrated she can participate in cooking activities with the support of a staff member.
Room 4
- Lara has shown improvement in being able to follow instructions during cooking experiences. Lara has even tried to taste what we have made and has started to show an interest. Well done Lara!
- Lenny has shown that he can problem solve and think of things that will help him in the classroom. Lenny has been able to make suggestions and modify tasks. he has shown that he can be independent and be a critical thinker. Well done, Lenny.
Room 5
- Enver - for participating in a whole cooking session in the kitchen.
- Jaiveer - for becoming more independent in the classroom.
Room 6
- River for making a good effort to arrive early at school.
- Sharwin for using his words to label preferred items when making a request.
Room 7
- Decon for good listening
- Zayd for using his communication board
Room 8
- Well done to Madison and Tarkyn for doing their little learners program
Room 9
- Everyone in Room 9 for working hard towards their goals and trying their best.