Primary Sub-School News

Rachael Macmillan

It has been a delight to have the opportunity to attend some SSGs and speak with parents, carers and students. As the SSG time is complete for the term, please know that you can still communicate with your child's teacher. You can write a message on the Seesaw App, send an email, or write in the student diary. If you require a conversation with your class teacher outside of the SSG period, this can also be arranged. The partnership betwen school is very important and we understand the need for this communication to be open. 


As usual, the Primary classrooms have been engaged in a number of learning activities. Our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program is one that many of our students look forward to each week. Have a look at the photos of some Primary students caring for plants in the garden and preparing food in the kitchen.


On 30th August, students will have the opportunity to participate in Da Vinci’s Music Incursion. This will be a great opportunity for our students to experience an interactive concert with music and dancing in a space that is familiar to them. It will be a lot of fun!


Room 3


The students in Room 3 have participated in a range of learning activities this year. They enjoyed exploring a range of textures and objects in sensory play. They used a variety of objects to support their learning when working on addition and counting. We had fun sorting and matching money. A favourite activity has been listening to the song “Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?” then tasting foods, reading sentences and matching pictures. We are all excited when ‘George the Therapy Dog’ comes into visit us.

Well done Room 3, you are Super Stars!