Year 8 Homelessness and Poverty Presentation

As part of their study of the texts The Simple Gift and I am Malala Year 8 students attended a presentation about homelessness and poverty in Australia and overseas. 


Mr Jim Sheridan (one of the school’s regular Casual Relief Teachers) and Ms Angela Tsotsos (a retired teacher) talked to the students about their extensive experience working with the homeless in West Heidelberg, the City of Melbourne, the Northern Territory, rural NSW and those living on a tip in Manila in the Philippines. 

They showed the students how they could help homeless people, used props to show how hard it is to make a shelter if you’re homeless and discussed what it was like to visit young offenders in Parkville Youth Justice Centre. 


Both presenters were very impressed with the behaviour of our students, even ringing the school the next day to pass on the message to all the year 8 teachers. A donation has been made on behalf of the school for the presenters to The Smith Family.