Year 10 boys' health day

On Monday 21st August, wellbeing organised a special day for our Year 10 boys whilst the girls were in their Flourish program.


Nick (Student Wellbeing Coordinator) and Mel (school nurse) from wellbeing began the day. All 42 boys gathered in the drama room, and we led with a morning circle, greeting each of our students with their names and an individual welcome. 


Nick and Mel ran some activities covering themes around gender, relationships, and sexuality. We asked them what Manhood and Masculinity means to them. This led to a discussion around the number one public health issue for young men aged between 15 & 44 – suicide. We encouraged the boys to tap into their feelings and vulnerability to enable them to reach their full capacity as human beings.

Our boys then were treated to a session about Gaming and Gambling which they fully embraced. The students had lots of questions for Missy & Alisa from Banyule Youth Services and clearly had a lot of pre-existing knowledge!


The afternoon session was a round of boxercise and circuits with Philip and Michael from Macleod YMCA. The boys enthusiastically took on this challenge and were exhausted at the end of the day. The feedback from the students was that overall the day was fun.

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