Assistant Principals' Report

Students were encouraged to attend Parent Teacher Interviews with their parents and carers this week, bringing along samples of work to discuss. It was an opportunity for students to showcase their learning and highlight their strengths and achievements.

Students, parents and carers were also encouraged to regularly check in on Learning Tasks on Compass to monitor their work completion and review teacher feedback.

To view the Learning Tasks, select the Learning Tasks tab on your child’s Profile page:


Teachers provide rubrics for students to track their progress and see what the next steps in their learning are. Here is a link to a video explaining how we use (and read) Developmental Rubrics that we have posted as feedback on some Assessments: As a college, we are currently developing more of these rubrics for every subject.If you have any questions or feedback, please do get in touch with us.


R U OK? Day 

The 14th of September is RU OK? day, but any day is a good day to ask family, friends or work colleagues if they are OK when we are concerned about them. 

R U OK? Is a public health charity that encourages people to connect and talk together to help others through difficult times in their lives.  Their work focus on building confidence and skills of people to have meaningful and kind conversations with people who may be struggling with life, by giving people skills to identify signs of distress or difficulty and then connect them to appropriate support, long before they are in crisis. 

A simple conversation can change a life.

For more information go to their website at 


Footy Day

September is footy finals in Melbourne and so Greensborough College held their Footy Day on the oval during P3 and P4 for the Years 7 and Year 8 students. 

There were various stations on the oval that involved:

  • Target Kicking
  • Target Handball
  • Goal Kicking
  • Penalty shootout

Each station was excellently run by Year 8 & 9 house captains and SRC leaders.  And at lunchtime staff and students showed off their goal kicking skills with Mr O’Neil and Mr Maloney demonstrating that they could kick a ball.



A big thank you to Ms Frazer who organised the day, the student leaders who ran the day, the staff that helped with supervision and all the staff and students who come down to have a kick.