Primary SS News 


Teachers- when excursions are planned, remember you MUST log the excursion on SharePoint and on the School Locator.

Also, it is your responsibility to consider your Yard Duty before the excursion day. If you cannot arrange a swap, then you talk to me about it prior to the day. 


Maintenance Programs

Teachers, ploease ensure you have an UPDATED anmd relevant Maintenance Program on your wall for time when you may be absent.



Week 8:  Room 7


Musica Viva

Primary Students will attend this incursion on Wednesday morning in the CLH at 9:15-9:45.


Fathers Day Stall

The Fathers Day Stall will take place on Thursday 31st August and 1st September. Please remember to be sensitive to those families who may not have a father in the house. A "Special Person" card/gift could be encouraged in these circumstances.