2024 Class Lists
Developing class lists for the following year is a major project for our community provide important feedback to plan for a smooth end of year transition.
At Step 3, all classroom teachers will be sent out an email link today to complete'Class Solver' Teacher Surveys.
As of this Monday, 10 out of our 27 classrooms have their teacher surveys completed.
Upon completing one survey for each student, SSLs can access important information from their team and students' parent feedback to consider when finalising students' classroom placements for next year. All teacher surveys are due to be completed by this Friday, September 1st.
Please try your hardest to complete these surveys on time.
Do advise your SSL if you are unable to do so.
We ask that all staff follow this timeline to plan to access draft lists and to record important feedback throughout this process.
Please forward any queries regarding this process to your Sub School Leader, or failing that, a member of PCT.