Parents and Friends Group

Thank you to everyone who submitted orders for Issue 6!The books are currently on their way and will be sent home before the end of next week.
For every order submitted, the school receives Scholastic reward dollars. Over the past 3 terms, we have received $792 in rewards which will go towards books and classroom resources.
We loved seeing all the students when their classes visited the stall last week. We hope you enjoyed the carefully chosen gifts that were brought home.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated behind the scenes and on the day, this event would not have been possible without you. It was amazing to see many new faces participating and so great to catch up with our regulars.
Lauren, Felicity, Mel, Emma, Belinda, Hayley B, Sharon, Rebekah, Betty, Steph, Stacey D, Bhavya, Katrina, Stacey H, Ype, Brooke, Tarryn, Risha, Nicole, Perlin, Charles, Dhivya, Rachael, Amie, Linley, Alicia, Adele and Vicki.
A special mention to the wonderful Jo Littleford, who kindly donated 500 beautiful handmade cards to our Mother's & Father's Day Stall this year.
Referendum Sausage Sizzle: Saturday 14th October
Come down to our school to vote and grab a sausage!
Vision Portraits: Saturday 18th November
$30 for a photo session and one high resolution digital image. More images available for purchase. Convenient way to update the family photo and an affordable Christmas gift.
Christmas Raffle
The P&F annual raffle is only 14 weeks away! We are currently seeking donations from the WVPS community. If you are a business owner and are interested in donating goods and/or services, please contact us at: