Inside the Classroom


Campus students have spent many lessons learning and working together over the last few weeks. Friday lunch is always a shared one with classes taking turns to cook the Recipe of the Week to share. We also cooked and shared cupcakes on R U OK? day.


We also combined for Science last week. We looked at the reaction of sugar and yeast - collecting the carbon dioxide gas in a balloon.

We are really proud of Chelsea as she has started work experience at The Willows Preschool and Early Learning Centre. Chelsea is enjoying this experience and is receiving great feedback from the Centre. 

Danny has been busy planting a summer crop in the vegetable garden. He planted cauliflower, beans, carrots, chilies and capsicum. Some of the plants were damaged by the frosts a few weeks ago, however, we have high hopes for the others. Stay tuned.

Mr Rasmussen has been keeping us active and engaged with Campus PE on Friday mornings. Last week the staff and students played some half-court basketball; we were all so engaged that nobody took any photos!!!


We hope everyone has a restful and fun holiday and we look forward to a busy Term 4.


Mrs Kate Griffen

Head Teacher Campus


Primary classes have been busy in classrooms and being out in the community. All classes have been rehearsing for the School Concert this week and each student is ready to shine on the stage. 

We would love to thank Ms Callen for her work with Class 6 over the past six weeks. We wish her luck as she moved into the next phase of her teaching career. A big shout out also to Miss Briton who has spent six weeks teaching Class 13. We welcome Miss Briton to our Anson Street School staff for the remainder of this year and also in 2024. 

We hope that everyone enjoys the upcoming holiday break and returns ready for a busy Term 4. 

Mrs Kari Priest

Assistant Principal

Stage 4

Stage 4 students have been actively getting ready for the upcoming Annual School Concert, dedicating their time to craft props and rehearse their performances. No doubt the crowd will be impressed by all performances.






During weeks 8 and 9 the Life Education van made a stop at our school, offering insightful workshops on topics such as healthy eating and building positive relationships.





Stage 4 have been using ICT and interactive activities on the BEN Q board throughout their learning. They using skills of drag and drop, making numbers with Base 10 material. Class 15 are working of creating a wall of rock from Aboriginal cultures as inspiration. They are proud of their creations and are listening to the advice of Mrs Huggett during art lessons to perfect their artworks. 



Our commitment to community engagement persists, with ongoing visits to the Orange Botanical Gardens and local areas, fostering a strong bond between our school and the local community.

As we approach the spring holiday, stage 4 would like to thank and wish Miss Inga the very best in her career, as she finishes her final university practicum placement.  

Wishing all our students a joyful, safe, and rejuvenating break.


Billie-Jo Rutten

Stage 4 Leader

Assistant Principal

Stage 5

The warmth of spring in the air has meant that we have been able to take some of our learning outside. Our Design and Tech group have been doing a stellar job in maintaining our spring crop of vegetables. Our bumper harvest of spinach has meant that we were able to supply our Mini Woolies store with enough produce for class cooking. Classes cooked spinach and bacon quiche as well as spinach and tomato omelette.

Our resident bees have also been extremely busy getting our first batch of honey ready for pouring mid next term. We had Mr Price visit to check the health of our hive and ensure our swarm is safe from the deadly varroa mite. While he was here we were lucky enough to sample some of the produce. Our students have been working hard on designing a label for our honey jars.

Work experience is in full spring across our stage, with Mr Low working hard behind the scenes organising some new placements in term 4 for most of our year 10s. This term Evelyn started at Café Connect working both on coffees and in the kitchen. Her smile speaks volumes of how much she is enjoying it. A special shout out to Indi, who has leaped out of her comfort zone this term and has thrown herself into every opportunity presented. She has officially joined the school barista team, has been promoted to crew trainer in Mini Woolies and volunteered the Central West Community Expo delivering food to the guests and vendors. We are so proud of everyone in our stage!

It goes without saying that classes 7, 8, 9 and 22 all smashed their performances at the concert this year. As usual there were many laughs, smiles and happy tears from the audience as the students dazzled them with their good ol’ country charm. 

Elke Cunial 

Stage 5 leader

Assistant Principal 

Stage 6

Stage 6 PDHPE have been learning about Tai Chi with Lily from Jade Lady Acupuncture. We have been learning about strength, stability and energy. 

As component in the Year 11 English Studies assessment task students were required to plan an outing. Zane and Blake planned an excursion to Boreonore Caves and enjoyed researching and participating in the activity. 

In class 3 students have enjoyed exploring new foods in food play with Miss Nadia. Students made a veggie face by following the visual steps to build their own creations. They were supported to follow food play sequences to use their senses to explore new foods. For some it was a delicious experience!


Work studies students interviewed Mrs Cox asking questions in regards to employment opportunities and desirable attributes. Students drafted questions to ensure the interview process ran smoothly and professionally.


Jess Hodder 

Stage 6 Leader 

Assistant Principal