Student Engagment

VERTO Barista Course Presentation

Member for Orange Phil Donato popped into Anson Street School to catch up with students and staff around the school. 


After informing Mr Donato that students had recently completed the VERTO Barista Course, he was keen to lend a firm handshake and a few words of wisdom to the enterprising students receiving their certificates. 

In a spur-of-the-moment presentation, Mr Donato congratulated students that had completed the four day course. The VERTO barista course offers a Statement of Attainment for two hospitality-based subjects, offering future study credits for students pursuing a career in hospitality. 


Students were beaming with pride, excited to tell Mr Donato about their barista experience and show off their new skills by making him an espresso, too!



Work Experience Round-Up

Students in Stages 5 & 6 have been getting stuck into the workforce recently and trying out jobs from a wide variety of different sectors this term.  Students have been active in wine processing, panel beating, manufacturing, child care, veterinary work, as well as working with our great mates out at Wangarang!


We're always stoked to get such positive feedback from workplaces that host our students and we're always on the lookout for businesses that would like to work with us. Work Experience is one of the best ways for our students to navigate post-schooling employment pathways to make the school-to-work transition as smooth as possible.


This term we would like to thank:

  • The Willows Childcare Centre
  • Orange Vet Hospital
  • John Zelukovic Smash Repairs
  • Philip Shaw Wines
  • Cafe Connect
  • Wangarang Industries
  • Challenge Implements

SRC Bullyology/Lifeline Donation

The Student Representative Council is a student-led council that voices the issues faced and opinions of the Anson Street students. The SRC has only been up-and-running for a short amount of time, but the group always has great ideas on ways to improve and represent our school. 

This term, members of the SRC were passionate about bullying. They believe that bullying is one of the major issues kids face inside and outside of school. In order to raise awareness, on the 18th of August, the SRC organised a Mufti Day with a gold coin donation - with the proceeds going to a local organisation, 'Bullyology'. 


Jessica from Bullyology nominated that the funds be gifted to Lifeline Australia, who do a lot to help the targets of school-based and workplace bullying. 

Anson Street Espresso

Say one thing about teachers, say "they like their caffeine"! 


Term 3 has been the busiest term yet for our Barista Team who have been pumping out cappuccinos, lattes, long blacks, flat whites, dirty chais, regular chais, hot chocolates, hot dirty chocolate chais and super-foamy-flat-dirty-white-chais-with-a-dash-of-extra-hot-milk (plus sprinkles) with expertise. 


It's been very, very heartwarming to see the increase in participation and confidence with the Barista team. Coffees have been getting better and each week (some of them even have (abstract) latte art on top!).


The Anson Street Espresso team all deserve a shout-out for their hard work this term.


Liam Low

Engagment Officer