Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Wellbeing for Learning -PWL

October is Mental Health Month in Australia and we have five weeks of suggestions for everyone to help you focus on your own wellbeing, and ways for you to raise awareness in your everyday conversations. Below is a calendar of ideas for families share together.

Mrs Rosser

Deputy Principal

Wellbeing Team Coordinator

RUOK Day and Staff Wellbeing Celebration

Last Thursday our wellbeing team treated our staff to a lovely afternoon tea in the sun. We took the time to check in with each other and ask the important questions like “…but are you really ok?” Sometimes people just need the extra time and confidence to open up and share how they are really feeling. Today, and every day we encourage you to meaningfully connect with the people around you and start a conversation with those in your world who may be struggling. 

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

As we wrap up term 3 we are reminding students to be responsible, safe and respectful in all environments, including online. We have noticed an increase in inappropriate behaviour between some students on social media platforms which usually overflows into the school setting, resulting in disagreements and negative behaviours. 


Cyberbullying is bullying that is done through the use of technology such as the internet or mobile phones. A cyberbully can be someone you know, or a stranger. They might send mean or hurtful text messages through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, they might send photos and videos of you to others to try and embarrass or hurt you, they might spread rumours about you via emails or social networking sites or text messages. They might even try to stop you from communicating with your friends.


Students should not respond to messages when angry or hurt. Log out and stop messaging if you feel you are being harassed. You can block, delete and report anyone who is harassing you online and on your mobile. Keep a record of calls, messages, posts and emails that may be hurtful or harmful and report them. 


More information and ways to seek help are available at:



We continue to celebrate students who are recognised as being respectful, responsible and safe. PBL stars for the end of term 3 are:


Orlando, Bodhi, Marcus, Cadence, Jackson, Leilani, Libby and Teddy.

Congratulations to these students!


Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal

PBL Coordinator