Message from Principal Sarah

From Sarah Nightingale, Principal 

As we move towards the end of Term 3, there is still plenty happening at North Melbourne Primary School across both our campuses. Please see below and keep reading the newsletter for some of the highlights – particularly our Book Week Celebrations held last week.

Book Week Celebrations

As always, our school strongly embraced the opportunity to dress up and celebrate Book Week. There were some amazing costumes and classroom displays and it was great to see families attend our Open Classrooms on Tuesday afternoon.  Our parade was huge - a room full of Harry Potters, Smurfs, dinosaurs, a couple of Guffalos and many, many more book characters - in our Junior Campus (Molesworth Street) gym and we thank everyone that came along for the morning.


A big thank you to Alice (the Pigeon) and Sarah M (the kind witch from Room on the Broom) for all their organisation across the week. 


We would also like to thank the Parents and Friends Association for organising the raffle and the morning tea held after our parade on Thursday morning. We send our gratitude to our local North Melbourne community for their contributions to NMPS through the raffle and the morning tea supplies.


Please check out some of the amazing costumes from the day later in this newsletter.

Breaky BBQ

This Friday 1st September the Parents and Friends Association is running a Breaky BBQ 7am – 8:30am. This is an opportunity for families to come together for breakfast at our Errol Street Campus. Please check out the flyers around our school and refer to the Parents and Friends section of this newsletter for further information on the BBQ.

Year 5 Ski Camp

Next week, we send our Year 5 students off to Falls Creek for their annual Ski Camp. We wish them well as they hit the slopes! 


Just a reminder to all Year 5 families attending the camp that the bus will be departing at 6:30am sharp on Monday (Group 1) and Wednesday (Group 2) morning to arrive at the mountain in time for their first lesson.

3 Way Conferences

Our 3 Way Conferences will be held on the 13th and 14th September. These conferences provide a forum for teachers, students, and parents to acknowledge student progress and achievement over the term. This year, we are offering both face to face and remote conference slots to allow families more of an opportunity to touch base with teachers. Information on how to book your child’s conference has been shared via Compass.

Parent/Carers Opinion Survey

As shared in the last newsletter, this year we have distributed our Parent/Carers Opinion Survey to all families. At the moment, we only have an 8% response rate for our Senior Campus (Errol Street) and an 11% response rate for our Junior Campus (Molesworth Street). 


We are hoping that all families will complete the survey this year, as the results are highly valued in terms of continuous improvement and future planning for our school. If you haven’t already, please take the time to complete this survey before Friday 8th September. Information was sent to family email addresses on Sunday 6th August.