Kitchen News

From Erin & Kristen, Kitchen Specialists

Cinnamon and cook books

Book week, encouraged us to look at some cookbooks and consider what sort of design we would select if we were producing a cookbook. Here are some ideas Year 5A created.

Whilst creating our recipe book covers, students also prepared some cinnamon, cardamon apple scrolls. A scone like dough was rolled around a buttery cinnamon, brown sugar and cardamon paste. We then sprinkled this with diced apple. Students had fun preparing their scrolls (snails) and once out of the oven, enjoyed sharing them with their peers and teachers.


This is a yellow fragrant curry, served with noodles that students made themselves. Students rolled out long lengths of noodle dough using our pasta machines to produce delicious handmade noodles. The curry was full of many spices as well as garlic, chilli and ginger, and produced a delicious aroma that wafted out of the kitchen.  All the hard work to produce the noodles was so worth it, as Year 5 devoured them all.