Year 4 News


By Temwa, Student Year 4 



A visit by writer Nat Amoore

From Georgina, Year 4 Teacher

Student reflections 

By Audrey F & Sanaa S

Have you ever read a book by Nat Amoore? Probably ‘The Right Way To Rock’ or ‘The Power Of Positive Pranking’? Not to mention her other two hit books! Well, in the first period on a Monday morning, the Year 4 got to meet her…IN PERSON! Nat made sure to keep us on our toes during her amazing presentation. She made us guess a few questions, involving her childhood. She signed autographs and books in the recess after and Nat made lots of kids smile. Overall, it was a great experience and we had a wonderful time!


By Penny K

My favourite part of the author visit with Nat Amoore was when she had done this thing where she told us two stories. One where she went missing and another where she acted in the movie called ‘Water Lily’. One of them was a lie and we had to choose between the two. Surprisingly, she acted in the movie. To be honest I was really shocked. 

She also made some really funny jokes along the way. It was a really great experience and I really enjoyed being there. 


By Raghav M

Hello fellow students! Today we had a visit from the very funny and prestigious kids’ author (former movie star) Nat Amoore, and it turned out that most of the people in the room had not read her books! So I have decided to give you a summary of one. 

'Review of Secrets Of A Schoolyard Millionaire' by Nat Amoore

This book is about two kids who find $ 1,000,000 in their backyard and go on a mad shopping spree. They, of course, get into trouble later in the story and have to deal with different obstacles on the way to freedom. 


Things we learnt by Andrej K

Well first of all, we learnt that Nat was INCREDIBLY funny and really creative. Nat also taught us to always pursue our dreams and we can all be as famous as her. Turns out, almost every single book she wrote was based on things that happened in her real life. 

She is absolutely amazing at storytelling and me and her actually have the same birthday!


By Joel H.J

Today we met the famous writer Nat Amoore. She talked a lot about ‘fiction’ and ‘non-fiction’ and what the differences are. In Nat Amoore’s stories, one of them was fake and the other story was real. No one realised that the second story was real, only some people like me got it correct. So the differences are that ‘non-fiction’ means real and ‘fiction’ means not real and after all of it, it was great!


By Karan M

Since Nat was a child, her dream was to become famous. She wanted to become a movie star and be invited to a great big premiere. She wanted cameramen to take photos of her and give her pride. She wanted to walk on the royal red carpet. One day, her dream came true. Nat had performing classes. She also acted in a famous movie called WATER LILY. 

Nat was great at storytelling. She could tell a real story in her own way. She told so many stories based on her life in her own way. Some of her books are based on her life. One of her books that is on her life is ‘The Power Of Positive Pranking’. That’s because in the book, the girl did pranks on the Mayor and Nat did her first prank in primary school. Nat was a funny storyteller. When Nat told stories to children, she made funny voices and made funny faces to make children laugh. All she wants is children to laugh and smile on her stories. Nat has a very kind heart. She is so funny that children would burst out laughing.