Assistant Principal's Report

Georgia Despotellis

It has been an extremely busy Term 3! We have held a successful Bogan Bingo Fundraising Event, a Father’s Day/Special Person’s Breakfast, and a school concert. All of these events cannot take place without the support and work from our community to our amazing parents who worked tirelessly to organise the events and assist with costumes for our concert, to our dedicated and hard working teachers and students. I would like to thank every one of you. It is so good to be a part of such a fantastic and supportive community.




Raffle Ticket News

With such an overwhelming response to the selling of the raffle tickets, it was decided to extend the price and include a reward for the class who sold the second and third most raffle tickets. The class who sold the second most raffle tickets was 1A and the class who sold the third most raffle tickets was 3C. Both grades will have an ice cream party!

The winning class who sold the most raffle tickets was 2C and they will be rewarded with a pizza and icy pole party! Congratulations to all.

The overall student who sold the most raffle tickets in the school was Charlie L 2C and she was awarded with a price at our Assembly this week. Well done, Charlie! We all thank you for your support of our school.


House Point Reward – Extra Play

On Tuesday, Green House - Cowan Bunjils won the extra play for the term. They enjoyed an extra half an hour of play with some fun activities planned, such as Musical Statues, sack races and play with the parachute. As you can see from the photos below, the students enjoyed the extra play just before the weather turned. I would like to thank Nathalia from Team Kids who organised and ran the Musical Statues activity and to Mrs Pappas who organised all the other activities. A big thanks also to our Year 6 leaders who helped set up and pack up all the equipment.



2023 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey (PCGOS)

Thank you to the families who completed the 2023 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey (PCGOS) which closes at midnight tonight. If you haven’t had the opportunity to complete it, there is still time. Your feedback is valuable to us and we will share the results with our community when they become available.



With the term break just around the corner and the smell of Spring in the air, I would like to encourage everyone to get outdoors and amongst nature as much as you can.

Some of the benefits of spending time outdoors for children (and adults) are:

  • Increased confidence and self esteem
  • Improved creativity and imagination
  • Development of responsibility
  • Provides stimulation
  • Increased physical activity
  • Development of thinking skills
  • Reduced level of stress, anxiety and fatigue

Research shows that playing outside facilitates smarter, happier, attentive and less anxious children than those who spend the majority of time indoors.


Our Year 4 Campers certainly enjoyed the outdoors during the last three days.

Piano Donation

I would like to acknowledge and thank the Cowling family, Sid, Gina and Ben for their generous donation of a piano to our school. It has been placed in the music room and will be a valuable resource to our Performing Arts program. Ben was a student at CSPS in the 1980s.

Have a fabulous last week of term. Come and visit the stained-glass window art display by the Year 1s in the front entrance of the school (opposite the office). The display supports an Inquiry into Light and Colour.


Georgia Despotellis

Assistant Principal