
Creativity takes courage....Henri Matisse

Hello RHPS Artists,


We are getting to the end of the term extremely quickly, but the art making isn't slowing down.


Our Prep artists are working on their royal self-portraits, but I won't be sharing any photos this week, as these will be unveiled at this years art show. Once these master pieces are complete we will be celebrating 'International Dot Day', based on Peter H Reynolds story, The Dot.

Our Grade 1/2 students are also working on astronaut self-portraits which will be shared at the art show. They are working extremely hard and doing a fantastic job. Next they will move onto alien artwork! Always a favourite.


The 3/4 artists have begun creating Book Winged Fantasy Creatures. These wonderful sculptures involve using our imagination, stocking, beads, wire, magiclay and old book pages. There is a lot of fine motor skills required and so far they are looking amazing!

The Grade 5/6s are ready to photograph their David M Bird inspired characters this week and I cannot wait to see the images. We will be learning more about David's artwork and how best to use the ipad to capture the best possible shot.


Have a wonderful week and keep creating!

Mrs. Granger