Reminders & Notices

Early Morning Drop Offs:

We are finding that there is a growing number of students being dropped off at school very early. Please note that there is no adult supervision in the yard (other than OSH Care) before 8.40am. This can be risky as any children who have an injury at this time, will not have quick access to first aid. It is also an important time for the teachers to be busy with daily preparation and they are not able to assist or supervise children.Students in the yard prior to 8.30am will be booked into OSHC.If you are unable to drop your children after 8.30am, please negotiate with a friend to drop your child at their home so they can be brought to school at the correct time.


Beleza Uniform Shop Dates:

Term 3

September: 8th

Term 4

October: 6th, 13th (8.30am - 11am), 20th, 27th


REMINDER - Just a reminder all students must wear a hat while outside at school during Term 4. Students that don't have a hat will have to play under the shade from Monday October 2nd. 

If you need to purchase a new hat you can purchase one from the school office or through Sarah at the Canteen window on the dates listed above.


Please remember to label your child's hat so it can be returned if lost.