Parent & Friends Committee

Hello wonderful RHPS families,

Read all about some P&F updates below.

Father's & Special Person's Day Stall...

A big thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who helped us set up and run the stall. Thank you to: Katie, Jeannine, Tanya, Kristy, Eliza, Lisa, Alex, Lauren, Clare R, Debbie, Jennine, Jessica, Claire L, Chelsie, Tara, Liz, Sarah, Sophie, Sue and Katie


The children all had such lovely manners and enjoyed shopping for their special person. We sold out of nearly everything and made a profit of over $1500! All of this money goes towards helping to pay for grounds improvements projects around our school, so thank you for your support!

2024 Committee...

Would you like to join the P&F Committee? We are looking for some new volunteers to help the committee organise all of the fun events and raise much needed funds.  We will be hosting our AGM in November and we'd love to see lots of new faces! Keep your eyes out for more details in compass and the newsletter in the coming weeks.

How to contact the P&F committee? 

You can contact the office who will put you in contact with the team. 

You can email the P&F directly at: pf.rhps.3138@gmail.com

There is Committee information and also membership forms available at the office. 


Chat soon,

The P&F team :)