Junior School Council

Updates & Events


A big congratulations to Kai G from S3 and Abby A from M4. Your designs were voted the most popular across the school.  You will both receive you're own copy of the 2023 yearbook. We want to thank all the students who submitted their fantastic designs! We have so many talented and creative students here at Miners Rest Primary School. It was a challenge trying to short list so many amazing pieces. You should all be proud of your efforts! 

Reverse Advent Calendar in Schools - A Breakfast Cereal and Long Life Milk food drive

This year our JSC are participating in the Reverse Advent Calendar food drive. Reverse Advent Calendar gives our school an opportunity to support food relief agencies and help brighten Christmas time for those who are struggling. This year we want to help make a difference by supporting families who don't have access to essential food items like milk and cereal. Students will each be given a token labelled with the item they can donate to support this food drive. With the help of our school community, we know we can make a difference and ensure everyone has a wonderful Christmas!