Year 1 Cluster News

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.

1RC spending time with our 3JM buddies in the library.
1RC spending time with our 3JM buddies in the library.
1JC loves writing
We learned about alliteration
We made our own alliteration books
We are very proud of them
1JC loves writing
We learned about alliteration
We made our own alliteration books
We are very proud of them
1RC enjoying Yoga with Frank and Sound Healing with Shell
1RC enjoying Yoga with Frank and Sound Healing with Shell
1PW read the book The Gruffalo.
We had to write all the adjectives about the Gruffalo.
We then took our adjectives and wrote a character description.
We then did a guided drawing of the Gruffalo following instructions.
Look at our AMAZING work!
We're so proud of ourselves!
1PW read the book The Gruffalo.
We had to write all the adjectives about the Gruffalo.
We then took our adjectives and wrote a character description.
We then did a guided drawing of the Gruffalo following instructions.
Look at our AMAZING work!
We're so proud of ourselves!