Learning and Teaching

Learning and Teaching at our school


Year 5s circling the Shark Tank

Over the past two days, our amazing year 5s have been engaging in a learning unit focused on the driving question of 'What commercial innovation will make our everyday lives easier and still sustain the needs of future generations?' 


In response to this question, students have formed small teams and set about completing a cycle of design thinking that results in the creation of a product that could address the needs of a chosen audience. Once they have developed their ideas and created their final prototype, groups will be invited into St Louis's very own Shark Tank to present and see if they can achieve the requested funding. The buzz and energy as they work through this project based learning process has been palpable. We can't wait to see what they come up with. 


Here are a few snaps of the learning so far.

2CR Putting in the hard graph

I was also lucky enough to be invited into 2CR this week to take a look at their work exploring populations across the Australian states and territories. The children had been working hard to research and record these statistics and then come up with a creative way to share their findings. This resulted in an amazing whole-class physical graph which is currently pride of place by the entrance to the classroom.


I did try to stump them with some tricky questions such as, 'What's the difference in population between NT and NSW?' and, 'If Melbourne's population is 5 million, how many people live across the rest of Victoria?'  but alas, they were simply too smart. Great job 2CR!

Thomson Wood