Principal Report

Dear parents and carers,


I am sorry that this newsletter is a little delayed. We are currently reviewing the changes that we made this year, and we would like your voice. Please find two short surveys. They take 30 seconds to complete.


One is a review of the break times and the specialist lessons. This survey is open until Friday 10th November. 

The other is whether your child will attend school on Cup Eve, Monday 6th November. This survey is open until Friday 3rd November. 

Class Placements

We also invited you to share with us your wishes for class placements for 2024. Requests close on Friday 3rd November. You should send an email to to share up to 3 other children your child works well with, and up to 3 children you think may be a distraction. We cannot promise them all. Please remember we do not take teacher requests. 


Education News

The new Prep students joined us for their second transition day. What a calm and happy bunch of little people. No tears and lots of fun. We look forward to seeing them and you again. Thank you to the team for creating that environment for them to thrive. 


The grade 5 students attended a day at Mooroolbark College called Red Earth. I received this today from the Assistant Principal. What a credit our children are. 


"Hi Craig,

I thought I would send you a quick message to say how impressed I was this morning when I took your students for an Art activity. They were extremely engaged and very creative in what they were doing and represented Rolling Hills Primary School very well. Sadly, I only had 1 session, credit to you and your team for the engagement this morning.




The grade 5 students are also writing their leadership speeches. You can see from their actions on this excursion there are some great prospective leaders in year 5. 


In the sport we have participated in Volleyball, Lacrosse lessons, and the on the horizon is the 56 Inter-school sports day. The grade 56 boys basketball team who won their games during Hoop Time are through to the next round and will compete soon. 


Grade 2 Laptops

Today we delivered empty boxes to 2BY....they were so happy with them! Tomorrow the classes will be able to use their laptops for the first time.  An exciting morning in grade 2. 


Buildings and Grounds

The toilets are open and looking great. Feedback from the Prep students...

‘The floor is shiny”

‘You get your own mirror and sink…I don’t get that at home’

‘They’re just like the ones at the shops’

And our personal favourite…..

‘I felt verrrrrry relaxed going to the toilet’ 

A big shout out to HM Building for their great work on this project.

HM Building have also been busy creating a garden for us in the Quad area (soon to be renamed) to compliment the shade sails and artificial grass we have installed. 


The Christmas Extravaganza out there is going to brilliant......please no rain!


A reminder that Cup Tuesday is coming up. We will be running a different set of lessons on Cup Eve Monday due to the smaller number of students that attend.


Wishing you all the best over the coming week.
