School Nurse

Children's Week 

21-29 October                                      

Cecile Elliott


The theme for Children's Week 2023 is 

"Children have the right to relax, play and take part in activities they enjoy." 

It recognises children's voices and encourages participation and play. 

Children's Week celebrates the right of children to enjoy childhood. 


Last week certainly was a celebration of all these things at BPS, as we had our first "Health Week" at the school. It was a fun week filled with activities and information regarding ways to stay healthy. We had speakers from AFLW and the Paralympics which the children loved. They got to hear how choosing healthy foods and ways of life helped these athletes achieve their dreams.  The children loved the Lapathon which raised much needed funds for our school playground areas. We also had our families involved in our poster hunt which received some great feedback.


Here are some pictures of the treasure hunt. We hope you enjoyed this fun activity!