Kindergarten News

and Upcoming Calendar Events

This term we have been working on our concentration through mindfulness tasks.

One morning, the children were invited to reflect on their own picture and trace the details they would see of their face onto plastic pockets.

Once the children were finished, we removed the picture and replaced it with paper so we could see the details each child had drawn.

We found it a bit tricky at times to remember to draw our eyes and the outline of our chins. But it was wonderful to see the children persist with the challenges and take their time in completing the masterpiece.

This experience fostered concentration, attention to detail, emergent literacy, creativity and fine motor development.

Would you like to find our more about our Kinder?

We would love to invite you to tour our kindergarten.  For tours, please contact Charlotte (kindergarten director) on 98971265 or register here (via our website).


The link to our central enrolment system to enroll for 2023 is below: