VCAA Exam Information

As reported through various media outlets, the VCAA has advised of a typographical error contained within the 2023 General Mathematic Examination 2 paper. As a result, the VCAA has acted promptly advising of the decision to award all students a correct score for this question. Please see below a copy of the information provided by the CEO of the VCAA, Stephen Gniel which has been forwarded to principals, VCE coordinators and media outlets.
Dear Principals and VCE Coordinators
Following the identification of a typographical error in the matrix stimuli in question 9d of the 2023 General Mathematic Examination 2 paper, the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) has taken the decision to award all students who attempted the exam a correct score for this question. This question was worth 1 mark out of a possible 60 for the exam. This decision has been made on the principle that this is the most effective and appropriate way to ensure no student will be disadvantaged and that the assessment process is fair, valid and reliable.
The VCAA reiterates our apology to students for this error. Please use the text below to notify students who sat the exam of this outcome.
No further action will be taken following the pre-emptive correction of the typographical error in question 14d where students were instructed before the examination began to remove the word ‘of’ from the question.
A comprehensive review of the vetting and proofing process for VCE examinations will be undertaken with any recommended changes to be implemented for 2024 examinations.
We apologise for the undue stress this has caused. We are disappointed that these errors occurred and are committed to reviewing our processes and strengthening our vetting and proofreading of examination papers prior to the 2024 VCE examinations.
Stephen Gniel | Chief Executive Officer
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority