Assistant Principal

Verity Sheppard -  Teaching and Learning Excellence

Last week was my first week as Assistant Principal at Valkstone Primary School. I am so excited to be joining Mrs Dawson and Mr Rounsley in leading Valkstone Primary School and ensuring all students have a great day every day! I’ve had the opportunity so far to meet many of the students and see the great work that is happening across the school. I look forward to continuing to connect with the community, so please come and introduce yourself if you see me around the school.


I’m excited to share some of the wonderful work teachers are doing through Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to continue to increase their expertise and provide the best learning opportunities for all students. This term, we have a focus on writing instruction, focusing on the power of word choice while incorporating the 6+1 Writing Traits. 


In the classrooms, you’ll see students engaged in activities that encourage them to explore the richness of language. They are learning to select precise words that evoke emotions, create vivid images, and make their writing more powerful, all while keeping the 6+1 Writing Traits in mind.


We invite you to support your child’s writing journey by encouraging them to read widely, discuss vocabulary, and even play word games together at home. Let’s celebrate the power of words and help our children to become confident, articulate writers.