Assistant  Principal

Grant Rounsley

Celebrating Strong Social & Emotional Connections at Our School


Dear Valkstone Community,


This semester has been all about continuing to build strong social, emotional and behavioral connections within our school community. We have partnered with CASEA to support family engagement through the Positive Parenting Program, and we have also introduced a range of enriching extracurricular activities for our students. Here's a glimpse of all the wonderful things that have been going on:


Positive Parenting Program with CASEA:

Our school is proud to have partnered with CASEA, an organisation dedicated to strengthening families and promoting positive parenting. This semester, CASEA has been working closely with our school to provide valuable resources and support to our families. Through workshops and one-on-one sessions, parents have gained invaluable insights into effective parenting strategies, nurturing strong relationships with their children, and creating a positive home environment. We believe that these strong family-school connections will have a lasting impact on our students' social and emotional development.


Extracurricular Activities:

Our commitment to fostering holistic development is reflected in the diverse range of extracurricular activities we've introduced this semester:


Lunchtime Indoor Soccer Competition for Senior Students

Our senior students have been lacing up their shoes and showing off their soccer skills during the lunchtime indoor soccer competition. This friendly competition has not only boosted their physical fitness, but also encouraged teamwork and camaraderie. Thank you to Mr Ware and Mr Hargreaves for the time you have put into this.


Morning Run Club

To promote physical fitness and a healthy start to the day, we initiated the Morning Run Club. Students have been enthusiastically joining in to embrace the benefits of regular exercise and a breath of fresh morning air. Thank you, Mr Ware, Mrs Farmer and Mrs Walker, for waking up early to take this club.


Lunchtime Open Art Room for Senior Students (Wednesdays)

Our art room is buzzing with creativity every Wednesday during lunchtime. Senior students have been utilising this dedicated space to let their artistic talents shine, whether it's painting, drawing or any other form of artistic expression.


Music Enrichment

The sweet sounds of music continue to reverberate in our school. Our talented music teacher has been working tirelessly to ensure that students have opportunities to explore their musical talents, from the delightful strums of the Ukulele Group (Year Level 3-6) playing every Tuesday, to the harmonious voices of our Junior Choir on Thursdays, and  the enchanting melodies of the Senior Choir on Fridays. These music lessons are not just about learning notes; they're about nurturing a lifelong love for music and fostering a sense of community through the magic of song. 


These extracurricular activities are not just about having fun; they also play a significant role in promoting emotional well-being, building relationships and encouraging personal growth. We are committed to providing a well-rounded education that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit of our students.


In closing, we want to express our gratitude to everyone in our school community — students, parents, teachers, and staff — for their dedication to building strong social, emotional, and behavioural connections. Together, we are creating an environment where every student can thrive and reach their full potential.


If you have any questions or would like more information about any of the initiatives mentioned in this newsletter, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


Thank you for your continued support and partnership.


Warm regards,


Grant Rounsley


Assistant Principal 

Valkstone Primary School