Principal's Report

Angela Dawson

Welcome to the 2024 Foundation students...our graduating class of 2030!

For the first time this morning, we welcomed our 2024 Foundation students to Valkstone for their first ever transition session!


The students enjoyed their time in the classrooms, getting to make new friends and seeing what it is like being inside a 'big school' classroom. I enjoyed meeting families during the 'coffee chat', where the Valkstone Leadership Team of myself, Grant Rounsley (AP - Student and Parent Partnerships) and Verity Sheppard (AP - Teaching and Learning Excellence) met with parents for an informal meet and greet session.


We look forward to welcoming our future students and their families back for the next three Wednesday mornings and getting to know them even further.


A big thank you to Erin Goodman (2023 Prep A teacher & 2024 Prep Transition Coordinator) for all her hard work with our incoming students and the work she put in to making sure this first session ran so smoothly!


Staffing Changes

Last week we said 'goodbye and good luck' to two of our fabulous teachers - Cara Glen (2B) and Jess Williams (5D). Students in both year levels, as well as those who have been lucky enough to have them in the past, will join me in wishing them well. Cara is soon to welcome a new addition to her family with her second child, whereas Jess is off to experience the world on overseas travels. We all can't wait to hear more about both of these exciting times, and hope to welcome them back to teaching at Valkstone soon!


In Year 2, Kate Howard will be increasing her days from 3 to 4 in 2B (Mon/Wed/Thurs/Fri) and will be joined on Tuesdays by Lina Pietrasik. Lina has had a comprehensive handover and we look forward to her joining us officially from Tuesday 14th November.


In Year 5, Aine Bric will be working with 5D for the rest of the year. She has also had a thorough handover, and knows our school well through her work as a Casual Relief Teacher. 


Please join me in welcoming both of these new teachers if you see them around school.


Second-hand Uniform Sale

A big shout-out and THANK YOU to the wonderful parents who manned our second-hand uniform sale recently. With their organisation and help, not only did families get a chance to purchase great quality uniform items at an affordable price, but they helped raise money for the school!


Student-Free Day - Monday 6th November

While families were enjoying a slightly longer Cup Weekend, the Valkstone staff were all at school undertaking a Professional Practice Day. 


Staff were working in their classrooms and teams on finalising assessment of student learning and using this information to write the formal Student Reports that will be sent out in December. We look forward to sharing your children's successes with you later in the term.