Year 6 News

EarlyAct Team

Rotary Dinner

On Tuesday the 14th of November, the Park Ridge EarlyAct club was invited to the Rowville/Lysterfield Rotary Club meeting where we had dinner together. During the dinner we got to hear presentations about different projects Rotary were involved in and some members of the EarlyAct Club got to make a presentation showing everything we have been working on. 


One of the projects Rotary has been working on lately is raising money for a school in Uganda for children there affected by war and diseases like malaria. They’ve also been raising money for people in the Northern Territory with the eye disease, Trachoma which is caused by flies.


As well as learning what they’ve been doing, we set up game stalls to continue raising money for the charity of our choice, Share Space. We ended up raising $256. 


These stalls included:

  • Hand painting run by Kristina and Naomi
  • Coconut bowling run by Tabitha
  • Mini Golf run by Callum
  • Bounce the Ball into the Bucket run by Abby
  • Guess the Song run by Gina and Isabella
  • Bake Stall run by Zoe, Angie and Ruby


We’d like to say a special thanks to Miss McClure and the Rotary Club for setting this up for us.


Kindest Regards,

Zoe on behalf of The EarlyAct Club