Assistant Principal News - Curriculum 

Brendan Garvey

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)

This past Monday, the students in 4-20 took part in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study. TIMSS is an international assessment of Year 4 and Year 8 students in mathematics and science that takes place every 4 years. Schools and classes are randomly selected to participate. In 2019, approximately 15,000 students from approximately 570 schools completed the TIMSS. Worldwide, there were 580,000 participants from 64 different countries so it was wonderful for our students to have an opportunity to take part in such a global event. 


The students in 4-20 did a wonderful job in not only displaying their mathematical and scientific knowledge but also by picking up the online interface so easily and quickly. They all displayed our school values of Resilience and High Expectations when completing the challenging problems. Most pleasingly, their enthusiastic and eager attitude to complete a challenging academic task was a joy to behold. 


Well done 4-20 for representing Park Ridge Primary School on the global scale! 


Semester 2 Reports


Our teachers are currently busy finalising the many assessment tasks that make up our Semester Reports. Semester 2 reports will be made available to families via Compass on the afternoon of Friday the 15th of December. Please ensure you download your child's report to store on your device as they may become unavailable in the case of your child leaving the school (or graduating from Year 6).