Message from Principal Sarah
From Sarah Nightingale, Principal
Message from Principal Sarah
From Sarah Nightingale, Principal
Week 6! We are halfway through Term 4, and what a busy term it has been.
Over the last two weeks we have seen the school community come together for our Arts Festival, to celebrate Teacher’s Day (through our virtual card), and for excursions across the school.
We thank all community members who have assisted us in making these events happen as we we couldn’t do it without volunteers.
Keeping this in mind, there are a number of upcoming events that will be taking place over the next couple of weeks. We will be calling out for parent volunteers for some of these events, so please ensure you keep an eye out on Compass to have all the up-to-date information and dates for the following events:
This week we say farewell (for now) to Paige and Ben L who are both taking leave for the upcoming arrival of new family members. We wish both Paige and Kenji, and Ben and Claire all the very best at this exciting time. We will keep you posted with any baby news!
In addition to welcoming Sally, Patrick and Caen this term, this week we welcome Elsie Kingston to the NMPS teaching team. Elsie will be replacing Paige in Prep C for the remainder of the term.