Whole School

School Shop Re-Opening

We are pleased to advise that the School Shop will re-open this Tuesday 31 October from 8am.


Considerable work has gone into the refurbishment of the School Shop. Although final stages of the stocking are currently being completed, you can see some photos below.  We are delighted with the renovations and are confident that this new retail experience will benefit and appeal to families.  

 A reminder of the following information:

  • The trading hours of our on-campus store will increase from Tuesday 31 October, with the new hours being: 8am to 5pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during term times. 
  • Secondhand uniform will not be sold in the Shop from February 2024. The Shop has now ceased accepting secondhand uniform stock for resale. There is however a Facebook group page available for buying and selling secondhand uniform. Please contact the enquiries@friends.tas.edu.au email address if you would like this link.

I'd like to thank the School Shop and Midford staff involved in this transition, particularly as we prepare for back-to-school 2024. Nicky Glover (Store Manager) from Midford will be in the Shop serving our families and ably supported by Sue Fisher (Area Manager - Midford).


Further information on uniform fittings, the online store and 2024 Uniform Price List will be shared very soon.


If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact me or Midford via friends@midford.com.au


Warm regards,

Shaun Sargent

Director of Business Affairs - The Friends' School

IBDP Exams

Monday 24 October - Friday 10 November

Clemes IBDP exams commenced this week. Please be mindful of any unnecessary noise around the Clemes Campus until Friday 10 November. 

Part-time Main Receptionist Vacancy

The School is seeking applications for a Main Receptionist (Commercial Road Campus), in a part-time (2 days per week) capacity, with the successful applicant to commence before the end of this term.  


Information is on the School's employment webpage, with applications closing 9am Monday 6 November 2023.  If you have any queries, please contact the Director of Community Engagement, Bill Avery.

Friends' Food Festival - Volunteers Needed

We are currently looking for volunteers who can help us with the Friends' Food Festival, to make it the best day it can be. Specifically, we are looking for members of the community who could help with venue set-up, pack down, children's crafting stations, entertainment and bar staff (you will be required to have a RSA) on the day (Saturday 25 November). So if you are interested in participating in this exciting whole school event, please email Emma Gilligan with your name, which roles you are interested in, your availability and contact details. *Please note that for all Friends’ School volunteer activities you will also need to complete a Volunteer Registration Form

Quaker Meetings for Worship

All members of The Friends’ School community are welcome to attend our Meeting for Worship any Sunday from 10.00am, closing about 11.00am, with morning tea available afterwards.


Children are always welcome and there is a Children’s Meeting held concurrently with the Meeting for Worship. They learn about Quaker values through a range of interesting and fun activities. Around 10.50am the children join the Meeting for Worship, settling into the gathered Meeting for the last 10 minutes, usually sitting with their parents.


If you have any enquiries about the Children’s meeting please email rmtasclerk@quakersaustralia.info

Quaker Meetings for Worship Storytelling Experience

On Sunday 5 November, Jess Dundas and Robin McLean will be offering a storytelling experience to the children and the wider Meeting during our regular Meeting for Worship. The story is from the 'Faith and Play' series of Quaker stories and is a story about Quaker testimonies for younger children (and adults too!). The Meeting will start at 10am, with the story in the first 10-15 minutes. The children will leave for their usual program after the story and worship will continue until 11am for the adults. 


We invite all children, their parents and other interested people from our School community to come along and join us for this intergenerational worship experience. 

Thursday Morning Meeting for Worship

Members of The Friends' School community are welcome to attend a short Meeting for Worship held each Thursday morning during term time, starting at 7.45am. Just come quietly in when you can and join us until 8.20am in the Hobart Quaker Meeting House, which is located just below the Clemes office on Boa Vista Road.

Community Yoga

An inspiring way to start your day with energising movement, focused breathing and a moment for relaxation and stillness.  All members of the school community are welcome to attend our Wednesday morning sessions from 7.45 - 8.15am in The Farrall Centre. Mats provided. Please feel free to come at any time. If you want more information contact our school Yoga teacher, Julia Gibson jgibson@friends.tas.edu.au